Cross-product Data Integration Research and Design
UX Researcher & Designer | Illume Courses & Degree Map - Civitas Learning | Ed Tech Software | Sketch, InVision, Adobe Photoshop, PowerPoint
Problem to solve: Discover ways in which AI predictive analytic data could be extracted in bulk from Illume Courses and surfaced within the company’s complete suite of software tools.
Solution: Within the Degree Map product there were three unique use cases that could all feasibly support the use of icons and tooltips to surface the predictive analytics from Illume Courses. I created a proof-of-concept prototype for each use case and presented these and my research findings to the product manager and VP of Product.
Impact: The company changed priorities soon after the completion of this project; however, given the customer base at the time, it had the potential to help 200K+ students and their advisors better understand which course selections would require more effort or extra support to increase student success rates.